Many Pastors, One Vision
Agape Church has six ex-prisoners and one lawyer who are now pastors. Let us introduce you:

Roy Yamamoto Jr.
Founder and Senior PastorIn 2014, Pastor Roy & Charlotte answered God's call to start a church for the incarcerated and their 'ohana. Roy served God as soon as he was released from prison in 1995. And he doubled-down when he was cleared again from a double life sentence in 1997. Roy & Char have hosted Camp Agape for 14 years and visited thousands behind bars. "God is good!" he says, and she finishes "ALL THE TIME!"

Mark Kawata
Executive Pastor, Attorney at Law
Ron Kaua
Associate Pastor, Facilities and LevitesA pillar of prayer, Pastor Ron is a Hawaiian who loves God first, family second, and Agape Ministries throughout. He always has a good word: "None of us deserve the blessed life, but God is so good to still give us so much!" Proud husband to Alva, father & grandfather, Ron oversees our facilities & "Levites" (set-up & break down) Ministry.

Clint Nagamine
Associate Pastor, Prison OutreachesClint has been with Pastor Roy since the beginning - both trading crime for Christ, and meth for the Most High God. Today, Clint has a full-time, tent-making job at a hardware store. Outside of that, he's always in church, in ministry, and back inside prison doing time for Jesus through outreaches.

Gunther Muller
Associate Pastor, Worship & Men's OutreachFrom fast-&-furious car thief to church bus driver - what a difference Jesus made in Pastor Gunther! Gunther is happily married to Carey and a proud family man. His speciality is including everyone - he picks up former inmates for church as well as children for Agape Academy. He also oversees worship at services & outreaches.

Lanaki "Kai" Adric
Associate Pastor, Saturday ServicesKai faced a 20-year conviction for meth. His prayer walking into prison: "God, if you can change me, I'll give You my life!" God answered and today he's a pastor, husband & father set free in Christ and setting others free. Kai and his wife Sharon have two little ones and are grateful to be impacting Hawaii's ohana for Jesus.

Hilarion "Vince" Gascon
Associate Pastor, Mentors & Junior MentorsOnce "Hawaii's Most Wanted," today he's much humbled. God used a second stint in prison to mold Vince into a Bible-loving man of God. He leads our adult Mentors at Camp Agape and the young Junior Mentors year-round. Vince is a proud grandfather and prays for both his sons to come home to Jesus.

Agape Christian
Fellowship OahuA few years ago we started a church for the angels, their families and ex-inmates. It’s run in large part by the angels! Pastor Roy Yamamoto smiles, “If Jesus only raptured everyone over the age of 18, we would still have church! The kids run most of it—worship, prayer, announcements, tithes + offerings … even our set-up and breakdown!”